Calendar Veda Loka
21 January
Tuesday 2025 year 00:00:00
chronology 5121 years of Kali Yuga,
28th Mahayuga 7th Manvantara The era of Manu Vaivasvata boar Kalpa first day of 51 years of the great First-God-Creator |
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The Source of Consciousness
Product code: 34194
The book is available in Europe (Czech Republic).
The method of atma-vichara (self-enquiry) is the most direct path to spiritual self-realization from the very beginning, implying a vision of the ultimate goal of human existence – unity with the Absolute, the highest “Self” (Atman). This method was revealed to the world by Sri Ramana Maharshi. Its goal is to overcome the conditionality of consciousness by the thoughts that arise in it, leading to the exit beyond the bounda- ries of the feeling of “Self” or “ego” to what is called Liberation.
Atma-vichara – a meditation of finding the inner ob- server and the false “Self” – is the direct path to aware- ness. According to Ramana Maharshi, all other meditative techniques lead to atma-vichara, prepare for it, but do not replace it.
Vichara is practiced as an exercise in the traditional meditative posture and as a permanent internal process during any activity. The practice of atma-vichara does not require the knowledge of abstract theories or adherence to a philosophical doctrine or religion and may begin at ground zero. For all those willing to perform the intensive practice of atma-vichara, this publication provides detailed practical guidance on this methodology based on the experience gained at the school of Swami Vishnudevananda Giri.
Introductory fragment
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