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Worldwide Sanatana Dharma Community
Yogis for Peace
Calendar Veda Loka
27 July
2024 year

5121 years of Kali Yuga,
28th Mahayuga
7th Manvantara
The era of Manu Vaivasvata
boar Kalpa
first day of 51 years
of the great
Worldwide Sanatana Dharma Community / Our ashrams of yoga
Our ashrams of yoga

1. Trimurti Ashram

2. Shivadatta Satchidananda Ashram

3. Chitra Amrita Ashram

4. Sadhu tapovan

5. Sadhu Loka, Nepal

7. Shanti Loka, India, Kullu Valley

8. Divya Loka

9. Ashram-museum in the place of samadhiof Swami Brahmananda.Tiger Hill, Omalloor, Kerala, India. The Avadhuta Siddha Ashram is also being built here.

10.  Avadhuta Siddha Ashram

11. Om Ashram, Czech Republic


Philosophical system: Advaita Vedanta,

variety: Pratyaksha-advaita of Siddhas

Traditional teaching (sampradaya): Vasishtha-sampradaya (Saptarishi-sampradaya)

Current, school of practice: Natural path (Sahajya)

Parampara: Dashanami Sannyasa of Sri Adi Shankaracharya

Parampara Blessing Scroll: view

Teachings: Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga, Laya Yoga in the Siddha Tradition

Teacher: Shrotriya Brahmanishtha Anant Sri Vibhushit Mahamandaleshwar Swami Vishnudevananda Giri Ji Maharaj


The Worldwide Community of Sanatana Dharma is a school of followers focused on the philosophy of strict non-conceptual monism with elements of monistic pluralism, focused on the philosophy of Avadhuta Dattatreya, Brahmarisha Vasishtha, Sri Adi Shankaracharya, as well as other great Siddha teachers of Hindu yoga and tantra.

The Monastery was founded in 1995 in Crimea. In 2000, in connection with the emergence of groups of practitioners in the cities of Russia, near and far abroad, the World Community of Sanatana Dharma was founded. In 2001, the monks and the Master moved to Russia.

The founder and Spiritual mentor of the Monastery and Community is the Russian-speaking enlightened Advaita Master Swami Vishnudevananda Giri, who is the Mahamandaleshwar of the Indian monastic order “Juna Akhara”.

From August 19, 2001, to August 2014, the Monastery was located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, in the center of Vedic culture “Divya Loka”.

The Monastery practices yogic methods in five sections: Jnana YogaBhakti YogaKarma YogaRaja YogaLaya Yoga in the Siddha tradition.

For twelve years, monks and novices mastered the methods of the five yantras of Laya Yoga, and also studied the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta and Sanatana Dharma.

To maintain a high standard of yogic practice, the Monastery has a “Retreat Rule”. A retreat is a meditative period of solitude during which meditation and energy work techniques are practiced according to a predetermined schedule. According to this rule, monks and novices spend monthly from five to seven days and annually from a month to a year (under their year of study) in retreats, devoting twelve to sixteen hours a day to meditation and yogic practices.

The Monastery is the holder of more than ten transmission lines, mainly associated with the Seven Rishis and Avadhuta Dattatreya.

Entry into the World Community of Sanatana Dharma and taking Refuge occurs by the “Regulations on the procedure for admission to membership in the World Community of Sanatana Dharma.

The status of “lay person” includes practitioners who have taken Refuge. They practice in groups (Dharma centers) in their city or independently, periodically participate in seminars and retreats conducted by Gurus and monks, come to study, practice and serve in the Monastery, and receive transmissions, dedications and initiations.

Lay disciples can have the following statuses:

Who have taken the Refuge of a disciple: follow all the principles of a disciple per the instructions of the Teacher,

those who have taken the Refuge of a candidate disciple follow all the principles of a disciple under the instructions of the Teacher to subsequently take the Refuge of a disciple,

followers who have taken the Refuge of Faith: study the Doctrine and practice basic practices on their own to subsequently take the Refuge of a candidate disciple and disciple.

Monks (novices) are direct disciples of Swami Vishnudevananda Giri. Monks and novices live in the ashram, performing monastic sadhana and the “Retreat Rule” directly under the guidance of the Guru. They follow the principles of Vinaya, Samaya and the entire Samaya of contemplation and adhere to the “Sannyasin Code of Ethics”.

Hermits are a category of practicing monks or lay people who have received the Guru’s blessing to practice independently in solitude. They live by practicing on a retreat schedule and maintaining only spiritual connections.

Avadhutas are a category of practicing yogis who have reached the level of perfection (Siddha Purusha), who have received the Guru’s blessing to carry out the practices of “mad wisdom of avadhutas”, “dance in space”, “dog-pig”, and others.

Contacts of "Worldwide Sanatana Dharma Community":
Omkar +380684188899 (Telegram, Viber, Whatsapp)
