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Worldwide Sanatana Dharma Community
Yogis for Peace
Calendar Veda Loka
21 January
2025 year

5121 years of Kali Yuga,
28th Mahayuga
7th Manvantara
The era of Manu Vaivasvata
boar Kalpa
first day of 51 years
of the great
Sadhu Loka, Nepal

In December 2014, in the south of Nepal, 4 hours drive from Kathmandu, with the blessing of Swami Vishnudevananda Giri and Pilot Babaji, the monks of the World Sanatana Dharma Community began the creation of the Hindu ashram Sadhu Loka.

The land on which the ashram will be located is in a promising place, near the mahasamadhi of two saints, Param Guru Mahayoga Pilot Babaji - Avtar Baba and Hari Baba. Also not far from the ashram grounds is the Trikhandi temple - Shakti Pitha, in which, according to legend, there is a piece of Sati (the wife of Shiva).

The land purchase and ashram construction project is divided into several stages. On January 25, for the successful implementation of the project, a yajna was held, in which Swami Vishnudevananda Giri and Mahayogi Pilot Babji took part. In total, about fifty people took part in the event. All those present noted the favorable location of the land plot, which is located among mountains and rivers. Pilot Babaji stated that even now, Siddhas meditate in subtle bodies in this mountainous area.

In April, the monks installed and consecrated a small statue of Vishnu and also carried out important work on cleaning the territory and landscaping the ashram grounds.

Today, the first plot out of the planned six has almost been purchased. Currently, landscaping services continue on the territory of the ashram, and retreats are held.

More details:



Volunteer activity to help Nepalese affected by the earthquake in 2015.

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Contacts of "Worldwide Sanatana Dharma Community":
Omkar +380684188899 (Telegram, Viber, Whatsapp)
