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Worldwide Sanatana Dharma Community
Yogis for Peace
Calendar Veda Loka
20 May
2024 year

5121 years of Kali Yuga,
28th Mahayuga
7th Manvantara
The era of Manu Vaivasvata
boar Kalpa
first day of 51 years
of the great

Статьи Гуру



Изменение вектора эволюции человечества


Трансгуманизм как общественно-экономическая формация III тысячелетия


Основные черты человека будущего


Вперед к богочеловечеству


Послание к человечеству III тысячелетия


Декларация общемировой религии III тысячелетия


Декларация прав богочеловека  III тысячелетия  


Transcendental Transhumanism (TH) is a spiritual campaign in modern transhumanism that was founded in 2001-2005 by the Russian Yoga Master, follower of Advaita Vedanta philosophy, and abbot of the "Meeting of the Mysteries" Yoga Monastery, Swami Vishnudevananda Giri.

~ Followers of TH try to consider all existing scientific transhumanist ideas purely in the context of the spiritual self-improvement of man and all mankind, their way to the knowledge of the Absolute (transcendental).

~ Adherents of TH views believe that the development of new technologies and human spiritual development is a single process. From this point of view, the ideas of transhumanism can be considered as a kind of new spiritual way to Enlightenment, corresponding to the mentality and living conditions of the people of Earth in the 3rd millennium.

What the followers of TH rely on

~ TH followers rely on the views, studies, treatises, and achievements of the ancient Vedic Aryan civilization as described in such ancient sacred texts as the Rigveda, Mahabharata, Ramayana, and Puranas [1], such as the Bhagavata Purana.

~ The followers of TH believe that the ancient Vedic civilization, being at the highest level of development, possessed such super-technologies as:

~ "vimana" - flying machines that had supernatural abilities and resembled today's UFOs,

Ancient Indian texts about vimanas are so voluminous and numerous that they could make up an entire library. Various texts, in particular, "Samara-sutra-dhara" and "Vimanika-shastra", describe in detail vimanas that have teleportation, invisibility, ability to change their shape, control of elements, use of light energy for movement, creation of three-dimensional visual effects, ability to paralyze hostile forces by mental vibration. In the Rigveda, dating back to the 2nd-5th millennium BC, the thunder god Indra wages wars against demons, flying at great speed through space in an airship and destroying their cities with his terrible weapons.

~ "Yantra-purushas" are robots and cyborgs.

There are many stories in Sanskrit literature about yantra-purushas--mechanical people who behave like human beings. The Buddhist sutra Bhaidshaja-vastu describes an artist's journey to a Javanese country who visits the home of Yantracharya, a robotics teacher there. In the house, he meets a cyborg girl who washes his feet and appears to be a living human being until he discovers that she is unable to speak.

~ The ability to control the weather and climate

The medieval Indian text Avanti-sindari tells of the son of the architect Mandhata creating mechanical men who acted out battles and artificial clouds that produced showers.

“The Almighty Spirit is in the heart of everyone, dear Arjuna, and guides the wanderings of all beings, who are like sitting in a machine (yantra) made of material energy.” Krishna, “Bhagavad-Gita”

~ Flying to Space and to the Moon

One of India's greatest Sanskrit epics, the Ramayana, contains a detailed account of a vimana ("astra") journey to the moon and describes a battle on the moon with an Ashvin (Atlantean) ship

~ Radiant Weapons.

Sanskrit texts abound about how the gods fought in the sky using vimanas equipped with powerful ray weapons resembling today's laser and nuclear weapons ("Indra's dart", "Brahma astra") [2]

~ Antigravity

~ Transmutation of metals and other elements

~ The followers of TH in their views also draw on the visions, research, and experiences of the eminent saints-siddhas of yoga who lived in ancient India, who, while engaged in spiritual practice, were simultaneously alchemists, ayurvedic doctors and scientists who sought the way not only to spiritual Enlightenment, but also to immortality and transmutation of the physical body through external magical means.

The need for transcendence - spiritualization and sanctification of transhumanist ideas

~ Followers of TH see transhumanism not only as a scientific and technological, futuristic campaign, but primarily as a mystical, spiritual and magical, evolutionary path to immortality, Enlightenment, and liberation from the shackles of matter, based on yoga theory, combined with the application of new technologies existing in society.

~ Followers believe it is necessary to bring spirituality and ideas of transhumanism due to the fact that the path of technocratic transhumanism, not sanctified and not spiritualized by the eternal, enduring spiritual values developed by humanity over many thousands of years, can be dangerous.

The presence of subtle bodies and views on the value of the human person

~ In contrast to some followers of the so-called scientific transhumanism (ST), supporters of TH believe that it is the constantly evolving human that has been and will be the greatest value and jewel at all stages of development, the lord of all the most complex machines and artificial minds. This is due to the fact that according to yogic concepts, man, unlike electronic devices, possesses limitless potential - subtle and superfine bodies - the energy body (pranamaya-kosha), the astral body (manomaya-kosha), the mental body (vijnyana-maya-kosha), the causal body (anandamaya-kosha) and the enduring divine spark - the ultimate consciousness - the Atman. It is the presence of the subtle divine bodies, which cannot be created by material technology and which cyborgs or artificial intelligence do not and cannot have, that determines the highest value and priority of the human being as a species existing on planet Earth.

Evidence for the existence of the subtle body

The existence of subtle non-material bodies in humans is an undeniable fact substantiated in thousands of sacred texts of yoga, tantra, Ayurveda, Taoism, and Tibetan medicine. Vethereal Exit and the existence of a subtle body in humans capable of separating from the physical body have been repeatedly confirmed by modern scientific research in transpersonal technology[3], in particular the research of Dr. Kubler Ross, resuscitator, Robert Monroe (the founder of the Monroe Institute, author of the books "Distant Journeys" "Conscious Exit from the Body"), Dr. Charles Tart of the University of California at Davis, Dr. Fred Skumaker, Dr. Gould, Dr. Kenneth Ring of Psychology, physicists of the Energy Research Group (ERG) in New York City under Alex Tanu, New York psychiatrist Karl Kirsch of the New York Medical Center. In Russia, similar studies of astral projection were carried out in the laboratory of Jupiter at the neurosurgery clinic of S. M. Kirov All-Union Medical Academy, by staff of the Brain Institute in St. Petersburg - L.I. Spivak, Doctor of Medicine, in the Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Sciences, in the Biology Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, in the Center of Energy-Information Technologies of St. Petersburg Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics.

Views on the Evolution of Man and Humanity

Followers of TH believe that mankind has not exhausted his evolutionary possibilities, the outstanding siddha-yogins in the process of evolution reached such a level of consciousness as gods (Sanskrit dewa, divya) - creators of universes, and there is no reason to assume that such a thing is not possible now.

Supporters of TH ideas take as the standard of evolution the perfect human beings - ancient saints-siddhas of yoga, such as ancient rishis [4], well as outstanding saints of any religious traditions. [5]

In their views on the meaning of life, human evolution, and the nature of the Supreme Mind, supporters of TH adhere to the traditional views inherent in various philosophical systems and schools of yoga (Advaita Vedanta, Sankhya, Yoga and Tantra Siddhis).

Attitude to science

Followers of TH respect all scientific achievements, nevertheless, they believe that science should, having discarded stereotypes, turn its attention to the esoteric, magical, religious side of the universe and investigate unknown to it ethereal facts and states, such as chakras, pranas, subtle bodies, out-of-body experience, dreaming and dreamless sleep, clairvoyance, reincarnation, and so on, that is, what has been well known and recognized in Eastern medicine, yoga, tantra, Western occultism, magic, and shamanism for centuries.

The primary task from the viewpoint of TH

The primary task of TH followers consider getting immortality by all people on the planet through mastering and reproduction of the ancient yogic technologies of allocation and transfer of a thin body into another alternative carrier (genetically modified clone having no own soul, bio-cyborg, body-carrier consisting of nanorobots - sentient nano-dust controlled by consciousness, quantum body-halo). The program to achieve such immortality is called "Five steps to real physical immortality" and consists of five sections (steps).

~ First step is connected with controlled allocation of the subtle body (soul)

~ The second step describes a controlled temporary exchange of bodies between two individuals

~ The third step has to do with the permanent transfer of the immortal candidate's consciousness into human "carriers" such as:

~ A "donor" body

~ A clone body

~ The body of a "special" genetically modified clone that has no soul

~ The fourth step is related to controlled transfer of a thin body (soul) into an artificial host:

a) An ordinary bio cyborg body, it means a body that is completely similar to an ordinary human body, but created from artificial materials with characteristics superior to the human body.

b) a bio cyborg body composed of nano-robots, capable of changing its appearance, obeying the commands of its master.

~ The fifth step is the final transition to god-humanity. It consists in transferring human consciousness into an immortal body-hologram.

Long-term Program

Followers of TH consider as a distant perspective program implementation of great transition of mankind to quantum, "radiant humanity" state[6]. Representatives of such humanity will live in immortal quantum bodies, i.e. bodies consisting of particles of light.

The Inevitability of Transhumanism

Proponents of TH ideas believe that transhumanism is an inevitability, a natural step in the evolution of mankind, and this is why it is necessary to give this inevitability a strong spiritual, philosophical and moral basis

Religions' attitudes to transhumanism

Followers of TH believe that religions must not turn their backs on scientific progress, much less try to impede it, moreover they believe that it is the spiritually experienced people who must set the direction in global advanced scientific research, new high technologies concerning human soul and subtle bodies. Because traditionally this area has always belonged (and most likely will belong further all the same not to science, but to religion, yoga, magic and shamanism)

The ideal of transcendental transhumanism

The ideal of TH is not cyber-human and cyber-humanity, but God-man and God-humanity. The period of cyber-civilization can be seen as transitional on the road to god-humanity.

1. In particular, the Vedic literature of India describes flying machines, vimanas

2. Gurkha, flying on his fast and powerful vimana, threw on the three cities of Vrishi and Andhak a single projectile charged with all the power of the universe. The glowing column of smoke and fire, as bright as ten thousand suns, rose in all its splendor. This unknown weapon is the "iron thunderbolt," the giant messenger of death that turned the entire race of the Vrishi and the Andhak into ashes. “Mahabharata”

3. See the scientific rationale for the first step in "Five Steps to Immortality"

4. (Kashyapa, Gautama, Bharadwaja, Vishwamitra, Jamadagni, Vasishtha, Atri)

5. particularly the siddha yogis Dattatreya, Shankara, Matsyendranath, Gorakhnath, Charpatinath, Jalandharinath, Boganathar, Tirumular and others.

6. The term was introduced by K.E. Tsiolkovsky, the father of Russian cosmonautics, at the beginning of the 20th century.

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