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Worldwide Sanatana Dharma Community
Yogis for Peace
Calendar Veda Loka
27 July
2024 year

5121 years of Kali Yuga,
28th Mahayuga
7th Manvantara
The era of Manu Vaivasvata
boar Kalpa
first day of 51 years
of the great
Dharma centers

Practice in Dharma centers

Those who have karmic restrictions for entering into monasticism, but are able to practice in the world, are recommended to join the Community of Lay Disciples Practicing the Teachings of Moksha Dhama in groups or "Dharma centers".

The purpose of organizing the Sanatana Dharma Community for the laity is to study the Teachings in sections: Sanatana Dharma, Advaita Vedanta, Shaivism, Anuttara Tantra in the lineage of Sri Guru Swami Vishnudevananda Giri, as well as retreat practice and service for the benefit of all living beings (karma yoga) .

The Sanatana Dharma community provides an opportunity for beginners to accumulate merit, learn the basics of the Teaching, learn meditation, prepare for monasticism, go on long retreats (according to the twelve-year rule) without taking monasticism, or learn Moksha Dharma while outwardly leading an ordinary worldly life.

The community organizes:

• preparations for the arrival of the Master and seminars conducted by the Master and his student monks;

• weekly classes for lay students;

• in-depth student retreats;

• accepting new candidates for apprentices and teaching them initial practices;

• production and distribution of monastery books, teaching materials, sacred objects, sculptures, and so on;

• helps to prepare for entry into the monastery those who want to become a monk;

• provides assistance to needy members of the Community (with finances, a trip to the monastery, provision of retreats, etc.).

Any person over the age of 18, regardless of nationality or other affiliation, can become a disciple and practice the teachings of Moksha Dharma on his own or in the lay Sanatana Dharma Community, if his qualities correspond to the necessary qualities of a disciple.

For entry into the Community, the candidate is given a three-month trial period in order to be able to evaluate his qualities.

Qualities required for membership in the Community:

• possess the qualities of a disciple, strive for Liberation;

• follow the Guru's instructions, accumulate merit through sacrifice and service;

• behave harmoniously, following the ethical code of the lay disciple.

Dharma centers and Dharma groups

  • Ashram karma-sannyasi "Sukhavati" (Russia, Bashkortostan, Ufa). The manager of the ashram is the monastic brahmachari Vamadeva.

  • Mandala of introductory instructors. The curator is the monastic brahmacharini Nandana. https://vosdlife.org

  • Moscow Dharma Center "Shakti Ma":

  • St. Petersburg Dharma Center Sanatan Dharma "Suvarna Bhumi": om@advaitaspb.ru

  • Chelyabinsk group of practitioners:

  • Yekaterinburg group of practitioners:

  • Perm group of practitioners:

  • Omsk group of practitioners:

  • Kyiv group of practitioners: Ozernyi.oleg@gmail.com

  • Zaporizhzhia practitioner group:

  • Odessa group of practitioners: shrimati1007@gmail.com

  • Nikolaev group of practitioners: dattabhaktimandalandc@gmail.com

  • Moldovan group of practitioners:

  • Minsk group of practitioners:

  • Kazakhstan group of practitioners: @sanatana.dharma.kz (Instagram)

  • United States group of practitioners:

  • Finland group of practitioners:

Individual practitioners around the world (Kazakhstan, Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Tenerife, England, Norway, Czech Republic, Latvia, Israel, Bali, India)

If you would like to contact practitioners in a city or country near you, please email sadhuloka@gmail.com

Contacts of "Worldwide Sanatana Dharma Community":
Omkar +380684188899 (Telegram, Viber, Whatsapp)
